Thanksgiving all year.

Yes, Thanksgiving has passed. No more turkey or lounging around all day in our pjs! However, just because the holiday has passed doesn't mean the thanks has! it is important to give thanks all year don't you think? I am thankful for SO much! from the little things, to the most wonderous things in life... like my husband & family or the grace & love of my Savior!

here are a few of the little things i am thankful for today!

cold weather
dancing leaves
peanut butter kisses
CHRISTmas lights
smooshy's talk
wearing husband's clothes
a warm bed
CHRISTmas trees
our puppkins unconditional love
CHRISTmas music
bluebell ice cream
the earth
cranberry ginger ale

what are some your favorite little things to be thankful for?!

thankful thursday.

Happy Thanksgiving :)
I am thankful for my life. I am thankful for my husband & our pets. My family & Friends. The past 9 months in Charlotte. Project Love. The Steps 'N Motion Family. Elevation Church. Jesus. Good books. Christmas around the corner. laughter. hugs. cold weather. all of the little things that i don't often think about but that some are without: tooth brush, car, clothes, home, etc.  I am thankful for food. I am thankful for all of the stores & people who didn't get today off so that we could! i am thankful for warmth.
I am thankful.

mustache love.

i have a serious love for mustaches.
fake ones, that is.
they are just SO cute.

 i have been wanting "his & hers" mustache mugs for a while now, and i found this precious one on etsy :)
...this "stache" jar is TOO much!! a pinterest find :) perfect for a stylish DaveRamsey cash envelope plan!
this ornament MUST go on our tree this year, & these limited edition MOvember toms... get them on my feeettttt!!!!
i am usually not impressed with "trends".. i like to do my own thing, but the mustaches have won over my heart :) lovelovelove mustaches. just wanted to share with y'all! happy tueeesday! last day of my two day work week! and last full week of MOvember! 

For the Honor.

Today the new Elevation Worship CD & DVD was released for the world's listening pleasure :)
Not only is it an amazing album, with songs of praise and worship of our beautiful Lord & Savior, but all of the sales from today are going to benefit families in Uganda. Go and buy it!! You will NOT regret it. Earlier this week I posted a song from it if you want a preview :)
so so good.
God be praised :)

dear colorado.

dear colorado(aka my heartland).. a few things i ask of you... please stop time until husband & i return home. like... the rocket summer concert on dec. 2nd? yea... just hold off on that until the 11th! and the parade of lights on the 3rd? wait on that too! there are just too many things we want to participate in & i'd appreciate it SO much if you'd wait for us! if nothing else... PLEASE snow a lot while we are there so we can snuggle up & bask in all the glory of what is home♥
love, hilla

God be praised.

because i'm alive, i give You my life.
because i am free, i bow at Your feet.
because i am loved, i'm able to love.
because i am Yours, my worth is secure.

God be praised♥
forever we will shout Your name.
Lord over all, You left Heaven for earth,
Your glory for us, risen King be lifted high♥


v. [roo-tid]
to be deeply implanted in Christ.
to live as an example of His love.
strengthened in faith.
that's right friends! a new line from Project Love! Get cozy this winter & add some PLove to your Wish List! PROJECTYOURLOVE(DOT)COM
November 23, 2011
In the mean time... spread the love & tell your friends!

a new perspective.

meet hillary.
would you ever in a million years tell this precious angel that she is anything less than God's perfect creation?..... me neither.

i am someone who, for as long as i can remember, has struggled with body issues. maybe it's because i grew faster than all the other kids when i was young, so i was always taller/bigger than them. or maybe it was because i danced, and started seeing beauty with a "hollywood mentality" from a young age. for whatever reason, body issues have always been a struggle of mine.

there have been good periods & bad ones. days when i find myself completely and totally beautiful and no one could talk me out of it. and also days where all of my "flaws" seem to be screaming at me to notice them.

i always tend to be harder on myself than i am on other people. not just with appearance, but also with forgiveness, judgements, etc. if i meet someone who has a less than "perfect" body, i don't think about how horrible they look or dwell on their cellulite, or decide they aren't beautiful. when a loved one falls short of my expectations, i forgive them. so why when it comes to myself, am i harsh & judgemental & at times unloving??

while talking with my friend jessica today, she said something to me that gave me a brand new perspective. she told me to think of myself not as the 23 year old Hillary, but as the little girl Hillary. the precious little 5 year old Hillary from the picture above. So if I'm supposed to think of myself as that... i think of how gentle I'd would be toward her. if she made a mistake I'd help her, if she was feeling down, I'd sweetly encourage her, and I would NEVER ever tell her anything other than how beautiful she is. because she is COMPLETELY BEAUTIFUL.

"it's easier to be kind to little Hillary than it is to be gentle with tall Hillary. to God you are a baby girl so He is extra gentle with you. let yourself be His baby. He can handle weaknesses."

too true. in one simple text from a friend, my perspective was completely changed.

God created me knowing that one day, that little girl would grow into a beautiful woman. A beautiful woman with a dancer's body that He designed specifically for her. A beautiful woman with a huge heart. A beautiful woman who continually trys to be the best she can be. A creative woman. A loving woman. An encouraging woman. A faithful woman. A friend. A sister. A wife. A Daughter. A woman who creates for HIS glory. A leader. ... among so many other things.

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:13-16
it could not be put more beautifully or perfectly than that!
 i will forever remember what my dear friend said to me & i will think of little Hillary when i start to be unloving towards myself. i will remember the way God loves her, the way i love her, and the lesson that she taught me. :))

what a beautiful lesson.

my heart is full & i am filled with joy. i love myself. i love my God. i am thankful for encouraging friends! please check out my friend Jessica's blog. she is an amazing leader & woman of God. You can visit her HERE or find her button on the side bar, "Beauty is radiant."

love yourself. YOU too are fearfully & wonderfully made!

a very happy birthday & keeping cozy.

So I am REEEEEALLY excited about this day.
FIRST: it is my sister in love, Nicole's, birthday! And Birthdays are ALWAYS something to get excited about! We love her SO much and only wish we could be there with her to share it!! Oh.. and she is kind of the prettiest person ever.
and SECOND: All of my Project Love materials for the Winter Line came in! Clothes, screen printing supplies, you name it! eeeep! SO this means.. if I work my little butt off this week, I can hopefully get the new line released for Thanksgiving! So pray that things go smoothly AND stay tuned!!! I am SO excited about this new line! We skipped Fall this year, so I feel like I had SO much creativity brewing! Tons of cozy PLove stuff coming your way! Sweats, hoodies, long sleeves, short sleeves, EVEN a pair of holiday pajamas! GET EXCITED & keep warm in Project Love this Winter!
Love to all! and Happy Monday :)


must have little girls!
ah! it's so precious i could pass out!
i dream of having little girls one day. i can't wait to dress them up & put them in dance class so that their teacher can fall in love with them like i fall in love with my little year old students every wednesday.

children are so precious and wonderful. it's amazing... our God :)

life lately according to iphone.

life lately according to iphone...

my new candle is SO yummy. i could sit by it all day, maybe snuggle up & watch a holiday movie!
oh wait! we already did! YES... we have already watched 'A CHRISTmas Carol' it was wonderful! We were also lucky enough to have a skype.sesh. with our favorite New Yorkers!
we had hat days.
we bought our twilight tickets.... [[squealing on the inside :)..]]
red cup love. && our new favorite muffins from lowes!
puppy love.
tried new hairstyles & got cozy, penguin style.
it's finally here! chick-fil-a's peppermint milkshake, slurp! so yummy! aaaand... harvey showed us a new trick... ha!
breakfast of champs... oh look! another muffin...
spent a wonderful evening together at The Cowfish, eating Burgushi!
celebrated our dear friend megan :)
brought out the plaid[[flannel]] shirts. i love fall.
more snuggle time with the puppkins.
played dress up with my love :) T-minus 30[ish] days until Colorado!
life is just wonderful!

red cup love.

today i am giving thanks to red cups.
red cups at Starbucks start beginning of november for the holidays!
i made a point to go this year on november 1st and have my first one for the season! such a little thing, but they bring me joy & i'm sure others! i don't even drink coffee, but a caramel apple spice or some hot chocolate? i don't know what it is, but it just tastes way better from a red cup :)
the holidays are here!
go get yours!

what are YOU thankful for today?!

happy november.

it's november!
boy how quickly time passes!
i am excited it's november for many reasons...

1) CHRISTmas is NEXT month, and we can finally say that!
2) it's cold.
3) twilight: breaking dawn((part one)) comes out. literally just squealed while watching the trailer. eeeep!
4) the leaves are swirling & that means snow is around the corner. beautiful.
5) birthdays!
6) warm fires.
7) we can listen to CHRISTmas music as much as we want and we aren't THAT weird.
8) time off. 
9) yummy holiday food.
10) which brings me to thanksgiving....

to celebrate the start of another month, and November at that, i wanted to list just a few of the MANY things i am thankful for. starting with marriage.
i can't believe that by the end of this month, we will have been married for a year and a half! i am SO SO thankful for Chris. corny as it sounds, he is my rock & my other half. i love him more than words can say & I can't wait to spend a million more years being married to him & loving him the best that I can!
next up? new friends.
back in february, before we moved to charlotte, i wouldn't have believed you if you told me we were going to make such wonderful friends. i can honestly say that i have never experienced friends like these. atleast not all in one place & circle. it's been the greatest gift. truly thankful & believe to my core that these will be life long relationships.
our first home!
i have been complaining the past month because i couldn't decorate our precious home because all of our stuff is boxed up back home. but shame on me. our home is beautiful & it's not the stuff that makes it a home. it's the people & the love. this house is not full of a lot of things but it IS full of a lot of love, and that's what matters most. our first ever house together. this place will be remembered forever.
elevation church.
we are so fortunate to have been placed in charlotte during such a vital time in our spiritual growth. the people we are surrounded with is one thing, but to love a church as much as we love elevation, is something we had never experienced before! to wish church was everyday & to not want it to be over is an amazing feeling. to feel God in your heart everytime you leave? we are blessed to have it to call our home.
living far from family is tough. this is the longest i have ever been away from home! being away makes me more thankful for them because i miss them & can't wait to be with them. it also makes me MORE thankful for chris & the pets. because our little family is what keeps me going everyday!
change is good...
i am so thankful for the change that has happened this passed year! there have definitely been hiccups, hard times, and scares. but there has been more joy! change is good. change grows us & teaches us. it betters us! i am thankful for the change God continues to place before me & i am grateful that He is teaching me to be more adaptable with each new day!
these are a few of the MANY things i am thankful for...
what are YOU thankful for?!