around these parts.

around here lately, there has been a lot of watching my babies love each other... share smiles, snuggle, give kisses & melt my heart over & over again. husband is the best, fall is coming to a close, family is wonderful & life is generally pretty good! hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving! i'm thankful for YOU. 


catching up || part two

my family reminds me to be thankful every single day.
be thankful for yours! cling to every moment with them, take pictures, write love notes, hug & often. our time here is short & we take nothing with us when we go, but the memories & the legacy left behind is worth more than any material thing could dream of. xoxo

catching up || part one

i take a lot of pictures.
i love them.
i love taking them, i love looking at them, i love editing them, i love being in them...
i love them.
half of the photos i take don't ever get posted to any social networking platform and they get printed out even less than that sadly! regardless, i still take them, in hopes that one day i print this blog into a book & get them framed & saved somewhere other than this screen and my external hard drive, and so on! 
over the next week of posts, i will be catching up & sharing our latest snippets of the day here in this space & then get back to regularly scheduled sharing after that. enjoy! & have a wonderful week of thanks!