i am still unsure of how i could have played a part in creating this child. he is perfection. words can't even describe how much i love him. all i want to do is make him feel loved & wanted every minute of every day. i never want to crush his spirit or make him feel like anything less than a wonderful gift. i feel so blessed to be his mama & to have been given the opportunity to mold him & shape him as he grows. it isn't the easiest job i've ever done, somedays he has me pulling my hair out, i'd be lying if i told you otherwise. he's challenging & willful, and a big ol' smarty pants. he knows & understands SO much and at the exact same time is still so little & gets frustrated when he doesn't understand why he isn't allowed to do something. he is molding me too. being a parent has changed me for the better, and every day i feel myself growing & being pushed in different directions. i am forever grateful. i pray to continue being blessed with more littles, and that god give me all of the tools i need to be the best mom for them, and also remain the best wife for chris.
time is whooshing by & i'm capturing what i can in my mind, in photos & here on this blog. thank you for following along with us.