a letter to my sweet girl.

i love you. i haven't even met you yet, and i already love you, which only tells me that my breath will be taken away & i will be enamored with you and your sweet baby perfection, just like i was with your brother when he was born (& still am today). i know you are so beautiful in there and i am SO curious if you have hair... not that we'd love you any less if you didn't, we just only have experience producing little bald babies so far & so we are excited to see what you present us with! hairless or not, you'll be perfect in every way. i can't wait to smell your sweet skin & kiss you a billion times. i can't wait to watch abel hold you & see your dad melt like he never has before over 'his girl'... that has been my title for the past decade but i will happily share it with you beauty. i know that your papaw in heaven helped God pick you for us & i know that becoming your mama is an honor & a privilege & that each breath you take will be just as important to me as the last.

i hope that you have your daddy's adventurous heart & aren't afraid of anything. i hope that you are brave & free & get into lots of fun trouble with your brother. i hope you also have a sweet and gentle spirit like mine & that when you are 26 you still feel 5 years old in your heart. i hope you always see yourself the way that i see you & the way God sees you, and if ever you don't, i hope you come to me so that i can remind you of your beauty inside & out. i can't wait to meet you. i know that you are a perfect fit for our family & that the love in our hearts will only grow to make you feel like you are special & loved & wanted always. for now, stay cozy in my belly... i'll keep sending delicious foods your way, and you keep sending little love bumps mine. i love you sweet girl.
love, mama

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Sweetest letter, it made me tear up a little.