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I can't believe it's been almost a year! Project Love is getting ready to celebrate it's 1st anniversary! And who better to celebrate with than YOU?! Our loyal PLovers.

I can't believe it's been almost a year! Project Love is getting ready to celebrate it's 1st anniversary! And who better to celebrate with than YOU?! Our loyal PLovers.
To celebrate... we have decided to do a HUGE giveaway! How does the entire Endless Summer Collection sound? YOU could win a bundle of SIX shirts, the new jelly bracelet, && of course a PLove Sticker!
Sign me up!
To enter in this great giveaway you MUST be a member of the blog! You can do so by following by email, subscribing through a reader, bloglovin', google friend connect, etc. Check the side bar to get linked!
Leave comments on the blog! The more comments you leave the more your name is in the mix and the better your chances of winning! Other ways to up your chances of winning are to:
Follow me on Twitter-->
Follow Chris on Twitter--->
Follow PLove on Twitter--> (2 underscores)
Like Project Love on Facebook-->
Each time you post, follow, comment, or connect in any way is another chance to win! But remember... you MUST be a member of the blog for them to count AND if you are following by RSS/Reader or Bloglovin, because it's private, make sure and leave a comment so I can count you in the giveaway!
This is a BIG deal! We are pret-ty excited about it and can't wait to celebrate with y'all :) You can enter in this giveaway starting NOW and for the entire month of June! We will choose our winner July 1st.
Thanks for continuing to love & bless us through Project Love!
good luck!
good luck!
I follow ur
Blog! And u on twitter!! Pick me :)!! Xoxo
I seriously love your clothes, Hillary! Great that you have started this company, congratulations on its success :)!
I am so ready to win!! I love your PLove clothes and cant wait to see all the wonderful designs you create as the years go by!! xoxoxo
i love all your clothes!! you have such talent. cant wait to see it grow over the years!!
love your recent blog posting of the things that make you happy! you encouraged me to find what made me happy today as well. Love project love!! :)
Heck ya! :) I love me some PLove and would love to be decked out in it all!
Pick me, pick me!! I ♥ your stuff.
what an amazing giveaway! love everything from the new line and sooo excited for this! YAY!
thank you for all of the comments!! good luck y'all :))
I have entered.. But im Gna keep entering- woooooo!!!!
I'm in love with your tanks, the message of LOVE they portray and I can't wait to be sporting all 6 of them in JULY!
Yah for project love and the endless summer addition!
I follow you on GFN, Facebook and Twitter! I LOVE your tanks!!!
Pick me!!! I follow you through Google Friend Connect!!!
Follow you on FB!!!
following you on bloglovin'
facebook fan!
following through google fan connect
Love to follow peeps who want to spread Gods love to all
I follow through bloglovin, and I follow all three twitters, and i'm a fan on facebook :D
i follow your blog!
I follow PLove on twitter!
I like PLove on facebook!
I follow you on twitter!
Im a follower!@
I follow your blog
I follow your twitter
I follow chris' twitter
I follow plove on twitter
I liked you on facebook
Great blog and great work you guys do!
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