What a Wonderful Birthday

My birthday was fantastic. All of the glorious people in my life made it truly wonderful. Started the day out with Breakfast with the girls at The Flying Biscuit Cafe, de-licious.
I think it's safe to say that my friends & family know me pret-ty well. Candy, sweets, & baking supplies  galore! All my gifts were beautifully wrapped & picked out. Everyone made me feel so special :)
Birthday present & outfit from my little sisterrrsss.
The weather throughout the week had been nothing but clouds & rain, but not on my birthday! The Lord blessed us with a GORGEOUS, warm & sunny day. Perfect for a run :)

Birthday Dinner with the Hubs at PF Chang's :)
The day was so wonderful. We finished it off with games at Luke & Jane's! Girls vs Guys... and the guys consequence for not winning.... jumping in the pool, fully clothed  :)

My Husband, Friends, & Family made my entire day so special. It was perfect in every way. The greatest blessings in my life are the people in it, and I feel so so blessed! I loved my birthday & am thankful for my life. God is so good.

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