Before this blog was 98% about our kiddos, it once upon a time had different little features on it, like little love letters + recipes for happy + he and she + MIX TAPES! While I can promise you that the children + the family posts will live on + continue to be the meat of this blog, it feels like time to revive some of those old topics regularly. I'll start with a mix tape, or playlist if you will. The past few weeks I've had one morning to myself, at my house... just me, my house + music at ear piercing levels. I always always resort to elevation worship, because nothing feels better than worshipping loud, being brought to chills or tears + feeling surrounded with Holy Spirit goodness... BUT lately i've been trying to reach beyond my regularly scheduled programming + listen to some different feels.. that, and my dancing shoes have been calling. Onward, this week's mix tape!