over the weekend, my sisters and i visited texas for a too quick girls weekend. my cousin is having a baby, and we went to celebrate her, because around here... babies are to be celebrated BIG TIME! while we were there we also tried to squeeze in as much as we could as far as what waco has to offer... our first stop being Magnolia Market from Fixer Upper. it was sweeeeet! there were food trucks + flowers, and really that combination to me is just winning. had we not made the mistake of not knowing how close we were + grabbing food on the way we would have partaken, but there's always next time! i took about 30 pictures of the silos from every available angle, i guess i'm a little out of practice taking pictures of NOT my children ;) they are very cool though in my defense!

NOT pictured in this post, is the amount of time we sat talking with my aunt anne, who i adore, eating mexican food that nearly burst me into flames it was so spicy, hugging family that we don't see often enough, enjoying sister time, hands free time to eat fruit loops in which i am now craving + missing my family like it ain't no thang. it was a much needed breath of fresh air from daily life here, and also a great reminder of how much i truly love my life + how forever grateful i am for it. texas forever, amen.
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