l a t e l y

h e l l o 
...to a new week! and it's february, huzzah! which means we are THAT much closer to daylight savings, and warmer weather could be just around the corner (right?! or am i wishful here...) either way... here are a few of my favorites from lately. life is good, life is FULL, but life is good. our kiddos are trying to grow up on us every single day, we are planning some travel for the year that i am getting SO excited about, we're wrapping up construction on our house (oh yea, that's still a thing... more on that later though), we're cooking more + reading more, and searching our hearts for how we can reach outside of ourselves more. we've had near perfect church attendance for two months or more now, complete with our kids in the childcare which is a huge accomplishment, and we are savoring the goodness of each day as best we can. amen.

^^^from scratch waffles. this recipe, yum. change your waffle life forever.
^^^talks from timeout
^^^cutest little friends
^^^junebug :)
^^^homemade pizza
^^^a favorite gift, lindsay letters art- a wish come true
^^^my happy
^^^feels cheesy, but literally every nail i hammer into the wall of our new space brings me joy. the road of buying and building onto the sweet little home we've loved for three years was not without bumps, and as pretty things like these go up on the walls + make it feel more like a home, OUR HOME, i can't help but smile + thank God AGAIN for this dream coming true.
^^^i can't think of a single thing that i don't adore about lucy

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