I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! We most certainly did. We went to a number of Trick or Treat events, and have so much candy that I'm truly not sure what to do with now. We let the kids change up their costumes a few times from their costume box + attended the trick or treat in Old Town for the third year in a row, which officially never disappoints. Tomorrow I'll be blasting holiday music, taking down Halloween decor, and trying to restrain myself from decorating for Christmas too early...
^^^my sweet little trick or treater, who kept saying, "i just love trick or treating!"
^^^why is isla the best?! i mean, steals the show, SO CUTE i can't stand it.
^^^she was also a champion trick or treater. all the stranger danger she usually sports was out the window for candy.
^^^my favorites. it's true that it doesn't get better than them for me.
^^^i won't tell you what i said to get them laughing for these pictures!
^^^halloween treats... because sugar was exactly what we needed more of... cute though!