20 things you might not know...

1. we spend 90% of our day in sweats, because we have
the coolest jobs & we 'have' to :)
2. everyday we cross the state line to go to work... bamfs.
3. she's had 7 cars in 7 years...
4. he misuses words.
5. she loves it.
6. our dogs are our babies.
7. we collect cool wine bottles.
8. && we scrapbook our corks by putting dates & events on them
9. he loves iphone games.
10. she doesn't play any.
11. we LOVE movies.
12. she LOVES hot yoga & owls.
13. our hearts are in colorado.
14. he's the middle child
15. she's the middle girl.
16. we like mitch & gaby :)
17. he drinks tea before bed.
18. she eats ice cream.
19. we enjoy watching tv series on netflix... currently watching: how i met your mother
20. our birthdays are in the spring.
more things you might now know can be found HERE and HERE :)
happy tuesday!


Sierra said...

super cute! love this post:) I wanna spend my day in sweats!!

Anonymous said...

I love your scrapbook corks! What a great idea!