Ever since we landscaped our backyard last year, the backyard is where we reside majority of the daylight hours. It's dreamy + beautiful + I am SO grateful for the hard work put into it... but if you remember, befoooore the backyard was landscaped, it was a lot of dirt + rock and the front yard, "on the green grass" was where it was AT. Now that summer is coming to a close, we've pretty much worn out all of the backyard activities + i feel like the kids have been asking for TV + snacks more than usual this time of year. SO, to the front yard we go! The "green grass" is where the chalk is at, the bikes are at, the races are at, AND it's the best place to be when Chris comes home from work! It's a nice shake up from our regularly scheduled programming + the kids have LOVED it. I love how easily kids can change perspective for me, to just look in another direction + find a whole new adventure. Truly truly thankful for this family of mine, and for this little house on the corner.
^^^action shots... basically the only photos I can get of abel these days!
^^^Lucy loves so hard. I love her so much for this.
^^^photo by lucy :)
^^^daddy's home, chalk hugs + my sweet mail crew