celebrating abel!

on sunday abel turned TWO!
i can hardly believe it! 
the night before his birthday, chris and i decorated the hall outside of his room so he would wake to the magic pictured. i heard him get down from his bed and waited in the hall, he opened the door, looked at all of the balloons + then at me and said, "help, help!" he then walked side to side trying to map out a pathway to freedom... i about cried laughing inside. i told him they were balloons and that they were his and he could play with them + then he started throwing them in the air + telling us all the colors. THIS was the reaction i had hoped for out of the gate :) we will try again next year! i want to have birthday traditions for all of our kiddos + maybe this will be his! we had a great morning with homemade donuts + i took a million pictures because this just looked like the happiest little scene.

so this is what two looks like... heart eyes for days.
& our sweet baby angel lucy too!

later that day, we had a small party with family to celebrate our guy. we had sandwiches + soup, snacks and homemade lemonade. it was gorgeous and sunny, abel rode on a dirt bike for the first time and loved it (yeesh), and i got away with wearing my hair up for an entire party without him noticing + asking for me to take it down. we made him a cookie cake inspired by this one HERE, re-lit his candles a dozen times so he could blow them out over + over again, and all around had a happy little day together.

arrow aged three years with that cute pony tail, i can't stand it.

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