isla, in lucy's dress... lucy in isla's headband...
i can't help but to see their relationship fast forward ten years or so.
being a sister, i know the irreplaceable bond that will grow between them. sharing clothes + stories + experiences, lending your shoulder to cry + ears to listen. playing house + then living out "house" as an adult + reaching out to encourage one another throughout each day because real life house is a lot more complex than when you were just kids dressed up in your mom's old dance costumes + pretending. being a sister is the opportunity to love unconditionally + to act on God's behalf in the lives of one another, reminding each other who God is + what the bigger picture looks like. my sisters are two of my very greatest gifts, and i pray + believe to my core that abel + lucy + isla will be the same for each other too. 

^^^i mean, how sweet to have a blonde + brunette :)