here & there. a saturday post!

happy saturday! && a rainy one!
i am currently in the middle of a challenge. 
learn your camera & start shooting in manual.
i am not much of a 'read the directions' type of girl. i've always just 'figured it out' on my own. while i think this is a very great skill to have, it DEFINITELY pays to read the instruction manual on some things. like DSLR cameras for example. honestly, when i first got my camera, i DID try to read the manual. but it was sooooo much jibberish & too much for my amateur photographer brain to take in. so i opted for my normal route, and figured it out on my own, learning tricks here and there from other bloggers, pinterest, etc. and using photoshop to edit things in ways i didn't know how to capture. all good news.
i LOVE photography. i always have. that's one of the MANY reasons i love to blog! getting to take pictures of beautiful things, people, details. capturing moments and have somewhere that's special to me to share them! it's time to step up my game & take it to the next level. hence... this challenge. i am not only going to try and decipher my manual, but also am doing the Shoot in Manual from Chimpsey, online lessons... and then hopefully graduate to some real life photo classes. pre-tty excited about it.

with all this being said... some photos from here & there, all shot in manual, natural light, no flash.
enjoy friends!
sometimes you can't post just one...

1 comment

Sacha♥ said...

lovely photos :) i am the same, i never read the instruction things but with my DSLR, i force myself to read as i want to take a better pictures :D

Check it out if you are interesting. I'm giving a giveaway for a design blog, the talented sisters from Truly Your blog, they will be drawing a blog something you want, with props, a draw picture that look likes you. Interesting? Go on and enter and hope to win...

Good Luck