baby boy,
i've loved you for 32 weeks & a couple days now...
i can't believe how big you are getting & how soon you are going to be here!
the way time has flown by so far, i can only imagine how quickly these next 7 & a half weeks are going to go.
then we meet you!
you'll actually be in our arms.
warm, soft, with a fuzzy little head... smelling soooo good, perfect in every way.
me & daddy canNOT wait! we talk about it every night before bed :)
you are going to change our lives forever.
i'm going to go ahead and thank you ahead of time for making them THAT much better.
i love you,
being sick & then being in the hospital... having surgery...
if i didn't already know that i loved our little guy SO much, our experience over the past two weeks definitely made it known.
worrying about HIM before ME.
thinking, 'no... that isn't okay with me' when the doctors told us that both baby and i were their priority, but that i would take rank over him if it came down to it...
it was a feeling i had never experienced before.
i can't really even describe it, only that he was everything to me in that moment and MY first priority.
he's so sweet & perfect in there. i am so thankful for how strong he is, how lively. gah!
i also REEEALLY can't wait to see what he looks like! as of now, i picture a miniature, bald, old man version of husband. hahaha! just sayin'...
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