how are you 4 months old abel?!
i'm really trying hard to just enjoy every bit of your life (this isn't hard to do, because you're great) but at the exact same time, it all just makes me want to cry my eyes out because you are growing up too fast!!
your coos, & screams, & the new little giggle we are starting to see more of... the bubbles you blow & the constant drool. you're my pie guy. cutie, chunker, stinker... you name it, you specialize in it. i love all of the cute things you do. discovering life & working though the limitations of your 4 month old body not keeping up with your seemingly more advanced brain... boy am i in for it when you do figure out how to get on the move! for now we'll just stick with the rolling & scootching around, and the occasional turtle spins. i'm so happy that the weather is getting hotter & you are gracing us with more of your chunky & naker little bod. LOVE. you love to be outside. you love to be held. you love love music & bright colors. you are the best. i couldn't have imagined a baby better than you. i'm curious how your future siblings will fair, because i don't think it gets cuter than you either... we'll cross our fingers for them ;) anyhow, sloooooowwwww dowwwwwwn okay? you've mastered rolling over both ways, you're way too close to sitting, and your legs are strong enough to make me think you are probably going to walk or stand earlier than most babes... you are so smart, & i love it... just not ready for you to get all big yet. i hope you are loving life with me & daddy as much as we are loving it with you! and in case you don't remember being 4 months old (like most of us do... :)) that's why i'm writing you these love letters.
i'll love you forever, i'll like your for always, as long as i'm living my baby you'll be...
love, mama
**we made this video on the Vine App! Come & join us! Hillary Salvaggione & Mr. Salvaggione has one too! // Chris Salvaggione **
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