what's on my heart lately? babies.
it's kind of hard to NOT have babies on your heart, when everyone you know either has one or is having one! they are so so precious & the fever has set in. husband and i don't have any plans of when we will be having our own, we just trust that when God says we are ready, He will bless us with a little & we will be ecstatic! when i think about having a family with chris & becoming a mommy... i can't help but smile from ear to ear :)
what's on YOUR heart these days?!
uh for real about everyone you know having a baby! seriously i feel like everyday someone is posting on Facebook that they're pregnant or every where I go I'm bombarded with big bellies! it's beautiful though and I'm with you about being ecstatic when we finally have our own little one! Many blessings to you and Chris in 2012! :)
looks like God told you when :) happy 2012!
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