spring fever!

happy monday!
i hope you had a wonderful weekend!! we sure did! it snowed buckets yesterday & was cold & snowy the days before that too! i had been waiting for some real snow around here, & can now be okay about moving into spring & not feel like we were totally jipped in the winter weather department! so, yay! that being said, i am now starting to feel excited for the season change & all things bright & beautiful (didn’t mean to owl city reference there, but let’s go with it). mostly, i can’t wait to lay a blanket in the grass with my little guy & watch him discover life & cloud watch! anyhow… i came across these GORGEOUS flowers while giving minutes of my life to pinterest, and just looking at them made me happy :) thought it might make you happy too!


jenn @ beyond the stoop said...

any flowers in blue ball jars make me smile :)

Tori Baldridge said...

OOOH so pretty!! xoxo