okay kidding, april fools...
but now that i have your attention!
s a l v a g g i o n e c o r n e r
when we were searching for a home before abel was born, starting to get discouraged (me), and feeling like we had exhausted google, craigslist, noco-homes, and otherwise... my mom clicked a link that lead to a home that would forever hold a special place in our hearts. the home that we'd bring our first two babies home to, the last of my homes that i'd ever sit and talk with my dad in, the place where we'd share stories, and laughter, and a place we'd fill with memories galore. our little home on the lake, our corner...
it was a little further north than we had planned to be and $200 more a month than we had planned to spend in rent, but the minute i saw the pictures i fell in love. not entirely in line with chris' wishes, but going on my gut, i emailed the owner. she responded and let me know that she was having an open house to show the home in a couple days, + i told her we'd be there. the same night, i woke in excruciating pain + chris rushed me to the hospital, where we had this experience. we were still in the hospital when the open house day arrived + i beggggedddd chris to please go and see the house without me! i had family that could sit with me + really wanted him to check it out. with 30 minutes left of the showing, he finally caved + went to see it. i received videos and pictures + a text that said, "i hate to say it, but i kinda love it." i probably squealed to every nurse who would listen about how excited i was + they kindly listened.
cut to: abel being born two weeks after that + two weeks early
since, we've rearranged furniture, painted, decorated, redecorated, made another baby, had another baby, and brought another baby home to this place. we've hosted holidays, adventured the whole acre of property with our toddler, taken 89,876,456 photos of the sunset over "our lake" (#salvaggionecorner on IG, check it out- it's seriously gorgeous), made memories that will last our lifetime, and now we're here...
buying our first home. buying THIS home.
we had no idea what this house would bring. we had no idea that we'd be thanking my mom for the rest of our lives for clicking that listing. but we are happy we are here.
today we closed, signed-sealed-delivered. we are home owners, a dream of ours come true.
...and now we build.
we've always wanted a smaller home to raise our family in, and as much as we love this home (like, love it so much we couldn't leave it) we are quickly outgrowing it. we've technically been living in 750 square feet, as our basement (while finished) feels pretty basementy + doesn't line up with our life right now having such young children. so we are building an addition onto our home to give us just the right amount of space + we are beyond excited. we will officially have a "master" bedroom with an actual closet + it's own bathroom, and a beautiful great room to host our families + friends, open christmas presents in, sit by a fire, stay up too late cuddling on the couch watching fallon or nashville, and so on... windows along the whole west side of the house + an oversized porch over looking our lake. because of the added space, a lot of the current space will be repurposed and used differently too, which sort of feels like it's a whole new space with the same memories + charm... and we didn't have to move (praise hands)! our build will start in a couple weeks and our contractor (who is awesome) is hoping to be finished around the 4th of July... you know how these things go, but here's hoping!
you just never know where life will lead you, a rental listing on craigslist could turn into your forever home, or at least the home you raise your family in. we are thankful thankful thankful for this blessing + for the answered prayers along with it. God is good all the time, no matter the circumstance, but He has SO been in this process with us, guiding us, + protecting us. thank you Jesus! and thanks mom!
+ now, because i obviously am going to post befores and afters throughout this process, here are a few happy pictures from our current space, xoxo
^^^that little blonde head... and this living area will be a dining room come end of summer!
^^^these windows are where we will break into the new space!! also our living are will no longer look like a "toy show room" because our current bedroom will become the kid's playroom!
^^^that doorway + window will be come one big opening into our kitchen!
^^^the window + first two over head cabinets will be opened up into a bar in our great room, hooray for entertaining! the kitchen is also getting a small make-over, all my pinterest dreams come true... white (heart eyes).
Not shown, is our basement which hosts our laundry room, guest room, and storage. also, the kids current space-- which you can see HERE + I will post more photos along the way! We are SO excited!! Where's the bubbly?!
1 comment
Yay! I love seeing people my age remodel homes!! I just finished my third remodel, in the house we'll be at for year's to come. My contractor has laughed at each of my projects when I tell him he can do something because I saw it on Pinterest - if it's on there of course it's fact. ;) Can't wait to see the progress!! I'm so glad I stumbled on your blog!
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