sweet lucy,
there is no one like you. you are special in every way, and i love every little bit of you. you're standing up on your own now... have been since april 24th. what. are. you thinking.?! it's adorable and each time you stand for longer + have even tried taking a few steps... you walking is going to be the cutest thing + abel is going to be over the moon! i'm so thankful to have a daughter, to have YOU as my daughter. i dreamed of you long before daddy + i had babies on our radar, and now that i know you, my dreams couldn't have come close to the precious + perfect beauty that you are. i love your hands, and your chubby little feet. those big blue eyes melt me every time you look my way + your grin is infectious. you love your brother + you love your daddy... i like to think i'm your favorite since you're planted on my hip 99% of the time + don't want to go to anyone else, and let me tell you sister... it warms my heart like nothing else. i wish you'd stop growing up so fast. i know that in a blink you'll be walking + before i can catch my breath we will be watching your first dance recital and i'll be bawling like a baby. i love you so much sweet girl. i pray every night that you continue spreading joy wherever you go, all the days of your life. my sunshine girl, my lemon, my little bit.

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