One of the things we really had to commit to before diving into this trip was pacing ourselves. We wanted to be sure that the kids were well rested + enjoying their time, and not feeling like we were going 100mph + they were just there for it, so we made sure to spend time each day just hanging at our hotel. We'd enjoy slow mornings + always come back to home base midday, in hopes for naps + rest to finish out the rest of the day with little to no stress. Kids are not always predictable, but this worked for us a good percentage of the time. Staying flexible with how the days unfolded differently, and choosing what was best for our family, even if it meant having to do things separately from the group sometimes was the best thing we could have done to ensure a positive trip for all of us. 
This post is made up of the little in between moments, captured here + there.
^^^The free roaming chicken who lived near the Fry's room! Tay named her "Clementine" - the kids renamed her "Chickeletta"
^^^who is that big kid?
^^^One of the kid's favorite parts of the trip was feeding the fish every morning at our hotel.
^^^lucy napped nearly every day at the beach :)
^^^sand angels

^^^getting comfortable at our hotel

^^^three sleeping kiddos on the flight, serious win.
^^^canoe whale watch... HOW BLUE IS THAT WATER?!
^^^breakfast is still my favorite meal of the day, even in hawaii. 
^^^cabana life.