*i couldn't be happier for my beautiful sister-in-christ hillary and her husband chris. abel is so lucky to be the son of such God-fearing parents. not only will he be loved in the most tremendous way - he will have the joy of seeing God's love ignited through and by his parents on a daily basis. may God continue to bless you on this journey of parenthood as you cling to one another as ONE family UNDER God! remember to look UP for guidance and to your LEFT and RIGHT for help! you have family and friends who are willing to lend a hand and be there to encourage you along the way. don't blink too fast because pretty soon you will be saying *the past 10 months have been...*
the past 10 months have been the greatest and most rewarding 10 months of my life. before we got to this place as a family of three- it started as a young married couple of two, who came together in prayer- in the hopes of being parents someday! and that all began in april 2009. it was a journey that had brought patience- as my husband and i kneeled together to pray for our son when he was just a twinkle in our eyes and a beat in our hearts- it had brought (what i never thought would end) tears- tears that flowed during the months that i still wasn't pregnant. it had unfortunately, brought bitterness- bitterness in wondering why i wasn't yet- all the while seeing others around me become mothers. but in that bitterness, beautiful restoration and renewal in my faith broke through! so, i kicked ms. bitterness right out the door! it had brought strength- strength that i thought didn't exist in me- but by God's power, i felt strong in Him when i was weary. it had brought a more fervent prayer life- when all i could do to get my emotions out was lift up my hands in prayer to Him. it also had shown me, that in His timing, I could see his perfect plan unfold...<looking back, i wouldn't have it any other way!>
{fast forward}..... a beautiful, very still morning in july 2011, brought me down to my knees- with my hands lifted high to the Lord- as my eyes welled up with tears of utter joy... we found out we were pregnant!
{fast forward again..... i will spare you all the pregnancy deets- trust ME, you definitely don't want to know all of them;) } in march 2012, brennan was born!!!!! {we actually spent the previous night with hillary and chris- and as i pigged out on every item on the menu, that was truly the LAST SUPPER before my contractions started at 1 am.....} but back to my first moment with brennan in my arms and my husband by my side....this moment is a moment i will never forget.... it is indescribable. it's the moment right after giving birth- where all my tears of joy and love radiated from the top of my head, through my eyes and down to the bottom of my toes, for my sweet boy who we just welcomed into this world. i can remember it so vividly. the nurses handed me our son and as i wrapped my arms around his soft body - i wept. this precious, pure, beautiful, handsome baby who we have been praying for is here!
it was one of the most still moments ever.
such happiness transcended over both mine and aaron's bodies as we looked into our son's eyes- such innocence. such purity! what a perfect moment for us as a family - we knew we were the proud parents of God's creation! the one creation he specifically made for us! it is the utmost calling and so humbling, such an honor and a joy to be parents.
*dearest hill and chris, hold on to each still moment you have with your son and enjoy what the Lord has blessed you with! sweet abel, i cant' wait for brennan to meet his best buddy!*
each day is a true gift from God and something i try not to take for granted. the years will fly by, and as we grow our family with more kids {lord willing}, may i always hold close to my heart that moment. that moment where time stood still. the moment where we knew God had given us a beautiful blessing to be parents to. this journey of parenthood won't be easy, but it will also be the most rewarding! and as aaron and i lean on the Lord for strength, may we continue to grow and be renewed in our faith- so we can train brennan up in a way that when he is older, he will not depart from it {Proverbs 22:6}.
*dearest hill and chris, hold on to each still moment you have with your son and enjoy what the Lord has blessed you with! sweet abel, i cant' wait for brennan to meet his best buddy!*
love and blessings to you all, friends - may you see the beauty in today!
(Visit Meg’s Blog HERE)
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