…and a happy anniversary it was!

so we finally got around to celebrating our anniversary! & i’ve now finally gotten around to posting about it. hooray! three whole years of marriage, and to this guy ^^^ boy am i lucky. we had so much fun this year! we made it a drive thru + drive in night. loaded up all the blankets & pillows from the house in the back of the car, grabbed some fast food (seemed only fitting) from sonic & found ourselves a cozy little spot at the drive in movie.
i. LOVE. the drive in.
husband had never been either, so that was super exciting to be with him for that! probably my favorite anniversary yet! abel came along for the night, & because he is the best child in. the. WORLD…. he slept through the entire movie. he sure is rockin’ at being a baby, love him. i am so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man. i love you christopher. thanks for doing this thing called life with me. you make it fun.

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