anything round or that rolls is 'ba' (ball) to abel. it is darling as pie + i could squeeze him too tightly most days. i LOVE that his favorite thing to play with is a ball, and chris is over the moon about the fact that he kicks them too, because, of course, he believes his sports destiny is soccer. it really doesn't matter to me at all what sport he would play or that he play one at all, but it is pretty darn cute that he's into it for now + i feel like it's just a glimpse of what the next year will be like as he grows + learns more about how to play with a person + not just on his own. i'll say it again, like i probably said yesterday + a few minutes ago... i love you abel... to the moon, back + around the block a couple of times. oh, and your jeans are kill-ing. me.
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