We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.
Romans 12:6-8
it can sometimes be tough living in a sports community.
i am a girl, and a very girly one.
not to say you can't be a girly girl and also love playing, watching & enjoying sports. i can think of about 10 friends who are both girly & sports lovers!
it's just not who i am.
& that's okay.
and i really believe that it is.
however, occasionally i find myself needing a reminder that it's okay.
that it's how i'm designed.
i dance. i love music. i'm not competitive (aside from game night (board games)). i'm a creative. i'm a woman. i live in dresses. i take pretty pictures. walking, hiking, swimming, & yoga are physical activities that i enjoy. i'm social & i love people, but i sometimes prefer being alone. i love hard. i'm nonconfrontational. i freak out if bugs are on or near me. i'm sensitive. i talk to God like He's a friend. picnics & swinging are my idea of a good time. i am fearfully & wonderfully made.
some people get it & some people don't.
it can make you feel insecure when they don't. sometimes make you feel like, "why Lord, am i the only person i know who is not into this or that?"
- well first of all, then i just feel silly for questioning God, because from the life experience i have so far... He knows what He's doing.
- second, i am NOT the only person i know who is not into this or that. i just happen to live a million miles away from many of the people who are my same "breed" of person :)
- and third... what i'm learning is that when people 'don't get it' they aren't trying to make you feel out of place, it's just what works for them & brings them joy, so they assume it would entertain you like it does them... and it's sometimes hard for them to understand how it could NOT.
you know how i know this? i am guilty of it too. do you know how many picnics i have asked chris to go on thinking he'd love it?! yea... he doesn't really love picnics. he likes them & enjoys the time spent with me, but it's not really his idea of an awesome activity. he'd much rather be playing sand volleyball, frisbee golf, soccer tennis, and any other sport combo they've come up with. it's how HE'S built. and THAT'S okay too.
we are all designed by the same Creator.
&& for now, He wants me to be the minority around here.
&& that's okay.
"we should use our talents and abilities for the glory of God. we are all in this together. just as each part of our body contributes to the whole, so too does the talents and abilities of each of us contribute to the well-being of each other, the world as we know it and the kingdom of God."
This was really good and the motto I have had to live by lately. All gifts ans callings and personalities are different. How boring would this earth be if we were all robots created on aN assembly line. But it is hard when ppl you love dont get YOU!
beautiful. i needed to hear this.
beautiful. i needed to hear this.
Great thoughts to ponder. A lot of questioning in this post, but you're right, God has it all under control. :O)
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