hey there mister,
remember when you were born & made me the happiest on earth?
& then out of no where you were one week old?
and then a whole month?
then we got to half a year and were like, what?! so we had a party to celebrate it.
life only got better & better with you since the day you came into the world & when we found ourselves at a whole year, i couldn't believe how quickly the time had passed & how much i wanted to freeze every second with you & store it away on a shelf somewhere so that i could never forget a moment, a smile, a milestone, your smell or the way you felt in my arms…
well guess what peanut…
nothing has changed.
you are still the best part of every day & i'm so thankful for the past year & a half of life with you. thanks for being the best kid around & for making me feel like a million bucks all the time.
i love you tiny guy…
love, mommy
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